in summary ...

ASASP is a social telephone platform that fights against social exclusion, mainly in Île-de-France. Different missions with the values of ensuring equal opportunities, support in administrative procedures, access to employment and general access to rights and health.
Who are we
Psychologist , social worker, educator , animator , mediator or coach , different professionals to offer a better way to revisit one's autonomy.
The ASASP workers carry out a social diagnosis with each user (during the call). Through this diagnosis derive the objectives to be achieved in order to improve daily life .
This fight is organized with our various recognized solidarity partners.

“Act as if what you are doing makes a difference. That makes one. »
William James
Nous y sommes
Depuis Juillet 2022, découvrez les missions de notre organisme, ses différents services, de manière bénévole, sur le site ou en cliquant sur le bouton ci-dessous.